The boys' current supplement regimen is:
Super Nu Thera P5P12.5mg
CoEnzyme Q10
Reduced L-Glutathione
Pro-bio Gold Probiotics
EnZym-Complete Dpp-IV II
Colostrum (Lochlan)
Methyl-B 12 injections
I am still working out the doses but I really feel like we are on the right track in healing the gut. I may add more antioxidants as this is one of the boys' biggest issues. I have read a research paper on the effects of oxidative stress in autism and the outcome terrifies me if we are unable to get a handle on it. The paper in short explains that children with autism are often viewed as gifted but by the time they are adults they are mentally slow. This is because of high levels of oxidative stress cause autism to be neuro-degenerative disorder. Very scary. I am doing my research on antioxidant therapies and pray that God will give us direction as we try to heal our boys.
We recently made a trip to Rockford, Illinois to see a Pediatric Neurologist regarding the boys: Sully's history of febrile seizures, Lochlan's SI behavior and awkward eye movements as well as to have a neuro on our team to aid our efforts. We will be going back for testing (EEG, MRI, Genetics testing and some other lab work) towards the end of the month. I am not sure what information we will get out of this, but I wanted to make sure that there is nothing we are missing.
We also made a trip to Iowa City for a feeding evaluation at the Center for Disabilities and Development. We will be implementing a new feeding schedule for a period of 3 weeks and after that time we will discuss whether or not intensive treatment is necessary. Our new schedule will be 30 minute meals (timer) and 15 minute snacks. We will also be giving 2-3 preferred foods and one piece of non-preferred. If they try or eat the non-preferred food then they are rewarded with a highly preferred food that is reserved for that occasion. Lochlan and I will be spending 15 minutes every day just getting lip contact with non-preferred foods as well.
Lochlan also had an appointment with the behavior clinic. I had the great pleasure of meeting Dr. David Wacker who is a wonderful man with a very big heart for kids with difficult/self injurious behavior. I believe that it is divine intervention that we were able to see him and that his ideas are just what we're looking for. We will be doing a functional assessment for 6 mo and then we will consult to see where to go from there. It is a miracle that we even got an appointment with him as their behavior clinic is booked out until February. He is also going to get me in contact with an internist (I believe) who is an Aspergers guru. I am very excited to have such knowledgeable and caring people on our team. Dr. Wacker believes that if we can improve Lochlan's communication skills then the SI behavior will decrease. I agree with this whole hearted and my gut tells me that we are on the right track.
So how's the toileting you ask? Awesome. Once Cody and I took the pressure off Sully and instead just encouraged him-he started going poop in the toilet. And the icing on the cake is that Lochlan is also now almost potty trained (all but the pooping.) I think that I will just let nature take its course and encourage him to try-he is young and being able to stay dry during the day is a huge accomplishment in itself. He even has started to let us know when he needs to go. We are very proud of them!
Sully has successfully completed one day of preschool with no meltdowns!!!! Many who know us personally know that last year was a complete nightmare. Meltdowns every day after school for hours, fighting to get him dressed to get to school on time, peeling him from my leg and wrestling to get him in the car after. Every day for 7months-until we pulled him for a couple months. This year his teachers are doing more to help him in the transition times as well as giving him more sensory breaks during the day. I think having class in the afternoon is helping as well because there is no anxiety in the AM about having to get going to school. One down-many, many to go. We will continue to pray that it goes well and that he is emotionally able to handle all 4 days.
Lochlan is still waiting on ABA. We are however going forward with the evaluations to transition him to the school setting. I am a little uneasy about having other people deal with his self injurious behavior but I am praying about it and know that God will give us wisdom to make the right decisions. Of course we will take ABA over Special ed preschool as the projected outcome of ABA is more promising.
I am very excited as we have finished the basement/therapy room enough to use it while we finish completing it. So here are a few pics of the boys in their therapy swing.

Lastly I wanted to share a couple prayers for those affected by autism.
'Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.'(Hebrews 10:23, NIV)
PARENT’S PRAYER:Dear God,There are days when I have hope, and days when I do not. Many days are difficult and I become overwhelmed. My affections are often turned away from you in days such as that and I wonder if you will bring any good out of autism. The pure heartbreak of the disappointment alone is enough to bruise me in heart. In times like that, Lord, I am most in need of your touch. I need you to help rekindle my affections toward you. It is in those days that I most need you to renew my ability to believe in your promises for me and for _____________. Therefore, Lord, I choose to allow you to penetrate my battered emotions and bring healing to my broken heart. Set my feet back on course in days that I have gone astray. Do not allow Satan to take advantage of my weaknesses in such times. Instead, stir the gift of faith that you have deposited within me! Cause me to be able to be strong and take heart with a new passion and hope. You are faithful, God. You have never failed. My trust and hope are in you alone, who is well able to accomplish all that you have promised!In Jesus’ Name,Amen
FAMILY’S / FRIEND’S PRAYER:Dear God,There are days when the __________ family has hope, and days when they do not. Many days are difficult and they become overwhelmed. Their affections can easily be turned away from you in days such as that and they must wonder if you will bring any good out of autism. The pure heartbreak of the disappointment alone is enough to bruise them in heart. In times like that, Lord, they are most in need of your touch. They need you to help rekindle their affections toward you. It is in those days that they most need you to renew their ability to believe in your promises for them and for [child’s name]. Therefore, Lord, help them to choose to allow you to penetrate their battered emotions and bring healing to their broken hearts. Set their feet back on course in days that they have gone astray. Do not allow Satan to take advantage of their weaknesses in such times. Instead, stir the gift of faith that you have deposited within them! Cause them to be able to be strong and take heart with a new passion and hope. You are faithful, God. You have never failed. Help them to put their trust and hope in you alone, who is well able to accomplish all that you have promised!In Jesus’ Name,Amen
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