I just wanted to post some info on vaccines as more and more people are hearing the dangers. There is a fantastic video by Mary Tocco,( http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2008/02/14/why-vaccines-aren-t-safe.aspx ) who is an independent researcher on vaccines for 25 years now. The video is lengthy but worth watching as it could spare your child/grandchild/niece/nephew from this countries number one epidemic- AUTISM. As many know both of my boys have been diagnosed on the autism spectrum and both of them were born healthy babies.(if you look at my first post How it all began... and you will see 2 pics of both boys- the picture during the first year they had so much life in their eyes and then the second pic was after they regressed their eyes became dull) If I could go back to when they were infants and not put their tiny bodies through the trauma of vaccines- I would in a heartbeat. But...it is too late and I have learned that what if's serve no purpose. This was God's plan.
The role vaccines play today is terrifying. Infants in Argentina are being used as guinea pigs for pneumonia vaccine manufacturer GlaxoSmithKline and 12 so far have already lost their lives.
(Article from Mercola.com)
At least 12 infants who were part of a clinical study to test a pneumonia vaccine have died in Argentina over the course of the past year.
The study was sponsored by GlaxoSmithKline, and uses children from poor families. According to the Argentine Federation of Health Professionals, the families are "pressured and forced into signing consent forms”.
The vaccine trial is still ongoing despite the denunciations.
For more on this article:
Autism in America has reached alarming numbers and the CDC as well as the federal vaccine court refuse to admit that Vaccines are the NUMBER ONE contributing factor. They acknowledge that vaccines have risks but they are "willing to sacrifice a few for the good of many." Dr. David Kirby (author of Evidence of Harm) believes that the more accurate number is 1 in 50 children will be diagnosed with a spectrum disorder. 1 in 50. The autism epidemic stomps any other "epidemic" affecting our world today, into the dirt. So why are the vaccines not being pulled off the shelves and why are drug manufacturers able to continue to produce more and more vaccines? Now more than ever we need to hold our future politicians accountable and demand that they answer these questions. My children are the living walking truth and every day is a struggle to heal them. We need to stand together as mothers, fathers, grandparents, aunts and uncles and demand that the govt not only fund research (research open to the vaccine link) but also fund the treatments that are needed to heal these kids as well as put a hold on all vaccines given until more honest and complete research is done. The research that has been done in the past is inaccurate because doctors do not file vaccine reaction complaints and the CDC's stats are completely incorrect. I know that my boys reactions were never turned into the vaccine court. Our pediatrician said it was not related. From the very first shot both my boys followed the same pattern. (it is documented in their medical records as well) They would receive the shots, within 48 hours develop a "viral" rash on their trunks, then within a day or two the diarrhea(mysterious GI virus) would start and within 4-5 days they would have ear infection and be on antibiotics. Every single time with both boys and our doctor passed off my questions as "babies get virus' all the time-they are constantly fighting something."
I believe that no children under the age of 2 should be vaccinated. There really is no need. I also believe that all the unnecessary vaccines should be halted such as the ear infection and chickenpox vaccines. No one has died from either so why do we think that we need a vaccine? They also need to "green" our vaccines by not giving combo vaccines or vaccines that contain heavy metals and unhealthy ingredients. I am not anti-vaccine. I know that vaccines serve their purpose but I do feel that the drug manufacturers have one thing in mind-MONEY. They don't care about anything else.
My goal is to help people to be informed. The more educated you are the better decision you will make. At the current vaccine schedule our children are the victims and the numbers will continue to rise until people realize that combo vaccines and unnecessary vaccines are harmful. I urge everyone to watch the Mary Tocco video (the first 15 min go in and out but if you let it play it gets better) and to really think about what we are putting in our bodies and how it affects us. Not only is autism on the rise but adhd, asthma and allergies are also skyrocketing. more info:http://www.4ahealing.com/ Please feel free to contact me with questions and I will continue to research and post.
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