Thursday, October 9, 2008

Info on Oxidative Stress and Autism

Oxidative stress is what makes Autism neuro-degenerative. Until we had the boys ONE tests done with Genova Diagnostics I had never heard of oxidative stress before. Oxidative stress is what causes autism to have a window of time for recovery. This is a link to a paper done on oxidative stress and autism.

Autism is a severe developmental disorder with poorly understood etiology. Oxidative stress in autism has been studied at the membrane
level and also by measuring products of lipid peroxidation, detoxifying agents (such as glutathione), and antioxidants involved in the defense
system against reactive oxygen species (ROS). Lipid peroxidation markers are elevated in autism, indicating that oxidative stress is increased
in this disease. Levels of major antioxidant serum proteins, namely transferrin (iron-binding protein) and ceruloplasmin (copper-binding
protein), are decreased in children with autism. There is a positive correlation between reduced levels of these proteins and loss of previously
acquired language skills in children with autism. The alterations in ceruloplasmin and transferrin levels may lead to abnormal iron and copper
metabolism in autism. The membrane phospholipids, the prime target of ROS, are also altered in autism. The levels of phosphatidylethanolamine
(PE) are decreased, and phosphatidylserine (PS) levels are increased in the erythrocyte membrane of children with autism as compared to
their unaffected siblings. Several studies have suggested alterations in the activities of antioxidant enzymes such as superoxide dismutase,
glutathione peroxidase, and catalase in autism. Additionally, altered glutathione levels and homocysteine/methionine metabolism, increased
inflammation, excitotoxicity, as well as mitochondrial and immune dysfunction have been suggested in autism. Furthermore, environmental
and genetic factors may increase vulnerability to oxidative stress in autism. Taken together, these studies suggest increased oxidative stress
in autism that may contribute to the development of this disease. A mechanism linking oxidative stress with membrane lipid abnormalities,
inflammation, aberrant immune response, impaired energy metabolism and excitotoxicity, leading to clinical symptoms and pathogenesis of
autism is proposed.
© 2006 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

For the complete article:

This article also talks about mitochondrial dysfunction (which both of my boys have) and its relation to oxidative stress. Please take some time and read this complete article as it is crucial to recovery.

The following powerpoint is from the autismOne conference in 2007 and it talks about the use of Metallothionein, chelation, glutathione, alpha-lipoic acid and some vit/min supplements in treating the oxidative stress.

Many families with children on the spectrum are struggling to keep afloat financially and DAN! practioners do not accept insurance. So we as parents find ourselves playing parent and doctor, therapist and teacher. I have been researching antioxidant treatment and therapies for about 2-3 months now and I have a plan -at least for my boys. One antioxidant that I keep running across and it is available in capsule form is alpha-lipoic acid. This is available from kirkman labs and you can also find it in some combo supplements as well. To me it seems like a good place to start and we will see how the boys do on it. The only problem is that you really need testing to keep track of the oxidative stress. That can be very very costly. We will begin the alpha lipoic acid in a week or two and we will consider doing some tests in a couple months.
I have also ran across some supplements that we are going to try. We will be trying the Behavior Balance and the Pro-C from autism coach. I will let you know when we start them and what results we are seeing. The Pro-C contains lipoic acid, glutathione (reduced), and other antioxidants. I am really excited to start this and will be also supplementing with additional lipoic acid from kirkmans.

Other great sites to check out:

Re: Metallothionein

A great tool to screen for PDD and severity:

AutismOne Conference 2008 Powerpoints: (need powerpoint viewer to view)\

One last point for this post. Looking back there is so much I could have done during pregnancy that I was oblivious to. I have included a fantastic powerpoint link to providing a healthy environment inside and out of the womb.

I will post an updated supplement regimen and updates as soon as I receive the products.


Tony Liu said...

Hope alpha lipoic acid can be helpful to your child.

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